In the name of God Amen The thirtenth
Daye of Julie in the yeare of oure Lord god one Thowsand Sixe hundreth.
I Roger Voice of Horsham in the Countie of Sussex sick in bodie
but of good and perfect memorie thancks be to god therfore doe make
publishe and declare this my Testament and last will in manner and
forme following
First I yelde my soule into the hands of Allmightie
god my bodie I comytt to the earth The disposicion of my worldly
goods to be as followeth. I give to the poore people of Horsham
Fortye Shillings of Lawfull money of England to be distributed at
daye of my buriall by the discrecon of myne overseers undernamed
Item I give and bequeath to John Willett and
James Allen the Sume of Twentie pownds of Lawfull money of England
to the use and behoofe of William Voice my brother that is to saie
the saied John and James be put unto to hyre the said Twentye pownds
and to lett my brother have the benefitt therof and the principall
Some when theie shall see it most meete to doe him good
Item I give to my Cozen Marye Voice the Some
of Twentye pownds To be paied to her within Sixe monethes after
my deceasse
Item I give to my cozen Johan Voyce the some of
Twentye pounds To be paied to her wth the lyke tyme after my deceasse
Item I give to Henry Allen the some of Five pounds
To be paied within the lyke tyme
Item I give to Barbara Allen Five pounds uppon
Condicion that theie shall purchase of John Nye gent and his heires
to the use and behoufe of the saied parrishe forever those twoe
howses which were Latelie recovered from the saied parrishe of Slinfold
by concealment provided allwayes that myne overseers hereunder named
and the survivors of them shall keepe the said Five pounds in their
hands and not make payment thereof till the saied howses shalbe
lawfullie conveighed as aforesaied Provided alsoe that the saied
purchase to be made within one yeare after my deceasse
Item whereas Robert Fyste and John Fyste of Hitchingfield
doe owe to me the some of Twelve Pownds upon an Obligacion I will
that if they the saied Robert and John or theire executours shall
paie to myn overseers the some of viL within twoe monethes after
my deceasse to the use of the poore people of Hitchingfield Then
the saied Robert and John and the executors To be discharged of
the saied debt and obligac~on of xiiL otherwise myne executors to
putt the saied obligac~on in sute and to paye to the saied poore
people last above mencioned the saied viL soe soone as by order
of Lawe he shall recover soe muche by execuc~on upon the saied obligac~on
Item I give to the makynge of a foote Cawsy between
Tanbridge Shovelstile to be servered from the highwaye by a ditche
the some of ffive pounds the same to be bestowed by the discrec~on
of myne overseers and to be done as spedelie after my deceasse as
conveniently maye be
Item I give to everye man servant and mayde servant
that shalbe dwellinge in the house of the saied John Willet att
the tyme of my deceasse Tenne shillinges a peece
Item I give to the nowe wief of the saied John
Willett Ffortie Shillinges Item I give to everie one of the children
of the saied John Willett the Some of xxs a peece
Item I give to everie one of the children of the
said wief of the saied John xxs a peece
Item I give to my cozen John Voyce the Some of
three pownds
Item I give to the twoe dauthters of william coe
viz. Thomazin and Elizabeth five pounds a peece
Item I give to the twoe youngest dauthters of
Edward Parckhurst of Horsham five pounds apeece
Item I give to Thomas Dungats daughter five pounds
Item I give to my cozen John Steaninge of halehouse
in Rudgewook viiL
Item I give to Robert Steaninge my late tenente
three pownds all the saied Legacies to be paied wthin nyne monethes
next after my deceasse.
The sole executour of this my Testament and last will I make my
welbeloved cousen James Voice.
The overseers of this my Testament and Last wyll I make my welbeloved
frends the saied John Willett James Allen John Betchcombe and Thomas
Betchcombe And I will there shalbe ffortie Shillings bestowed upon
my buriall at the discrec~on of myne overseers And I give to everie
of my overseers tenne shillings about their reasonable expences
when theie shall travell aboute this will
Item I will that William Coe shall have those
Lands at Horsham hill nowe in his occupacion soe Long as the yearlye
rent as he nowe paieth for the same I give to James Chowles Twentie
Item I geve to eache of my twoe godchildren viz.
Joseph Bayli and Shares daughter Fortie shillings a peece.
And thus the Lord receive me to his endles mercie. In witnes whereof
I have hereunto put my hand the daye and yeare first above written.
Roger Voyce.
Wittnes hereunto Ja: Allen no: publiqs John Willett John Cranes
al~s Ingrame markes Richad Stradwick.
PROBATUM 4th September 1600