In the name of God Amen The fourth
daie of november in the yeare of our Lord god 1626 I Henry
Voice of Horsham in the county of Sussex glover (Grocer?),
beinge sicke in body but of perfect memory Thankes be given to All
mightie God doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament
in manner and forme following
First I comend my soule into the mercifull hands
of Allmightie God hopeing of free remission of all my synnes in
and by the pretious death of Jesus Christ the alone saviour of mankinde
And my bodie to the earth to expect the ioyfull resurrection
Item I give to the poore of the parrish of Horsham
the some of twentie syhillings to be distributed by my Executor
at the time of my buriall
Item I give and bequeath to Bryan Voice
my eldest sonne and to his heires forever my house wherein I nowe
dwell with the garden and backside thereunto adioyninge as it is
nowe devided and the barne and stable parcell of the tenement wch
I bought of Mr Brewer neere the backe lane, and the feyld or meadowe
called Salters wch I bought of Mr Sharpe, and tenn pounds of money,
wch tenn pounds I will that my Executor hereafter named shall paie
unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Henry
Voice and his heires the land at Horsham hill wch I bought
of James Voice, and tenn pounds in money wch tenn
pounds I will that my Executor paie to him at his age of one and
twentie yeares
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne
Voice, and to her heires forever the two crofts wch I purchased
one of them of Mr Ravenscroft, and the other of Mr Puttocke lyinge
on the northside of the burrough of Horsham, and tenn pounds in
money to be paid her at the time of her marrige, or age of one and
twenty yeares wch shall first happen
Item I give and bequeath to my two youngest daughters
Mary and Jane the house and garden
in the Scarfax wch I bought of Richard Patchinge, and the feild
or meadowe parcell of wildgoose, wch I bough of Thomas Ellis To
have and to hold to my said two daughters and their heres forever
Item I give and bequeath to Anne my wife duringe
her life the house and garden and backside nowe in the occupacon
of Richard Coxe uppon condicon that she shall demannd nor take noe
dower or thirds of the two crofts wch I have before given to my
daughter Anne And after the death of my said wife
or such time as she shall demannd dower or thirds out of the said
two crofts Then I give and bequeath the said house and gardaine
and backside to my sonne Robert and his herires
untill such time as the Coppihold in Southwater wch is now my ffathers
shall descend or come to him the said Robert and
his heires And from and after such time as the said Coppihold shall
descend or come to him the said Robert
Then I give and bequeath the said house garden and backside to
my said sonne Bryan and his heires forever
Item I give and bequeath to my daughter
Elizabeth the wife of Henrie Worffold
the some of tenn pounds to be paid within six monethes after my
Item I give and bequeath to my said two daughters
Mary and Jane each of them twenty
nobles a peece to be paid to them at their severall ages of eighteene
yeares, or at the marriages wch shall first happen
Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne Robert
tenn pounds to bee paid him at his age of one and twentie yeares
And my will and meanninge is that if either or any of my said children
shall happen to die before their said porcons shallbe paid them
Then the porcon of such of them as soe shall die shallbe equally
devided amongst all the survivors of them Item I give and bequeath
to my said sonne Bryan the bedstedle featherbedd
boulster and all the furniture thereunto belonging wch is now in
the Chamber over the kitchen, and all my workinge tooles and one
paire of sheets and six silver spoones. Item I give and bequeath
to my said daughter Anne two paire of sheets
All the rest of my goods Chattells and houshold stuffe wares and
leather I give and bequeath to my loveinge wife Anne Voice,
and her I make my full and whole Executrix, and she to keepe and
maintaine all my children untill their porcons shalbe paid, or that
they shalbe well able to maintain themselves
And I desire my brothers in lawe Thomas Sheppard,
and William Best to bee the Overseers of this my
will to assiste and direct my said Executrix and children about
the execution of this my will In wittness whereof I have hereunto
putt my hand and seale the daie and yeare above written in the presence
of the wittnesses hereunder named: Henry Voice:
Witnesses hereunto Tho: Sheppard, Richard White, Joshua
Allen Nic. Sheppard
~ ~ ~ memorandum that my sonne in law Henry
Worfold is to have and enioye the field parcell of wildgoose
for fower years from michallmas laste without payinge of any rent,
for that I promised him he should enioye it so longe in part of
his wives porcon:
Probatum dated 1st February 1626