In the name of god Amen The xxxth
daye of July in the yere of our Lorde god a thousande fyve hundreth
and fyftie I Henry Voyce of Horsham the elder.
Imprimis I will to Jane my wyfe Sixe of my best
fether beddes wth all things therto belonging Tenne kyen. fyve oxen
Item I will to Henry my sonne three fetherbeddes
with all things therto belonging foure kyen fyve oxen. All the rest
of my Bullocks I will to be shysted between Jane my wyfe and Henry
my sonne
Item I will to Roger my sonne on fetherbedde wth
all things therto belonging
Item I will to Elizabeth Bisshop my doughter
lxvis viiid and to her three children tenne shepe to be shisted
amongest them
Item to Margaret my doughter to her mariage xiiiL
vis viiid
Item to Elizabeth my doughter to her maryage xiiiL
vis viiid
Item to Mary my doughter to her maryage xiiiL
vis viiid yf any of the said Margaret Elizabeth and Marye lyve to
thage of xxi yeres unmaryed then I will the mony to her or them
so lyving to be paide to her or them at ther full age of xxi yeres
Item I will to Roger my sonne when he comyth to his full age of
xxi yeres xiiiL vis viiid
Item I will to Bryan my sonne when he comyth to
his full age of xxi yeres xiiiL vis viiid yf any one or mor of my
said doughters dye before they come to their full age of xxi yeres
not maried or yf any of my sonnes dye before they come to their
full age of xxi yeres unmaryed Then their bequests to be voyd and
of no value
Item I will to Jane Ball my survante over and
above her wages Twenty shillings
Item to John Bennet my survante ovr and above
his wages xiiis iiiid
Item to henry Sharpe my survante xiiis iiiid
Item to Elizabeth Botue my survante two shepe
and tenne shillings of money
Item to Margaret harmay my survante tenne shillings
Item I will to the poore mens boxe of Horsham
twentie shillings The rest of all my plate Juells brasse pewter
and money and other houshold stuff I will hole to my wyff and she
theruto to reward any one or mor of my said Children as she pleases
Item I will to henry my sonne all my propertie
or parte of all the woods that I bought of Mr Polstead in Stenyng
or Asherst
Item I will the charges of my bequests I will
to be Lyvied taken and paide oute of the profyte and revenuyes of
all my leases and of all suche lands as I have by dede of feoffment
gyven to all my younger Children beside myne heyre
The rest of all my goodes not before willed and all the advantage
and revenues of all my leases and debts that are owing to me I will
and bequeathe to Jane my wyfe and henry my sonne whom I ordeyne
and make myn Executors they therwith to paye all my bequests to
paye also all the debts that I do owe And the rest to use as they
thinke best
Item I will to the said Jane my wyfe and to Henry
my Sonne all the profyts and revenuyes of all the lands and tennants
gyven by dede from my heire to any of my younger Children tyll my
said younger Children come every of them to the full age of xxi
Item I will to William Voyce my nephew twentie
Item I will to Elizabeth Lysted my Nyce twentie
Item I will to Henry Lysted the sonne of the saide
Elizabeth two shepe
Item I will to Henry my sonne Sixe pewter plates.
sixe payre of sheets to houshold warde and one brasse pott, one
Item I will to Bryan my sonne my house with the
garden herto belonging wth all thappurtanences set lying and being
in the strete of the boroughe of Horsham nowe in the occupying of
Richard Smtyth to have and to hold to hyme and his heyre and assingnes
from the tyme he comyth to the full age of xxi yeres and so further
forever and also lykewyse the shope with the Chamber over the same
now in the occupying of Thomas Emerye
Item I will to my lords servante that are hereat
Horsham to praye for me and they therwith to reward them selfs vis
viiid by ther discrecions of Roger potter one of them
These bering wytness Thomas Bradbridge gentleman,Henry Patching
prest, Roger Potter my lords survante, Richard Mychell of Colstaple
and Christofer Pylcherd with other.
Probate dated 18th March 1550