In the name of God Amen.
The eleaventh daie of Januarie Anno one thousand six hundred Thirtie
one. I Bryan Voyce of the parish of Horsham in the Countie of Sussex
and the peculiars of the dioces of Canterburie being sicke of bodie
but of good and perfect memorie thanks bee to God doe make and ordayne
this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
Fyrst I bequeath my soule to God my redeemer hoping
through his death the full remission of all my sinnes And my bodie
I Comitt to the earth And as touching my worldly goods I dispose
as followeth
Item I give to the poore people of Horsham tenn
shillings to be distributed at my buriall
Item I give to Marie Shepheard my daughter six
shillings & eight pence
Item I give to Ravencrofte my sonne six shillings
& eight pence
Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth the wife
of Tho: Longhurst my daughter twentie shillings
Item I give and bequeath to John Voyce my Grandchild
tenn pounds of lawfull English Currant money to be paid him when
hee shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares
Item I give to the said John one brasse pot one
great Cupboard my best bed and bedstedde with all other things thereto
belonging two Chests one greate Caldron of brasse six paire of sheets
one table cloth half a dozen of pewter half a dozen of napkins
Item I give and bequeath to William Voyce my grandchild
tenn pounds of lawfull English money to bee payd him at his age
of one and twentie yeares likewise I give and bequeath to William
Voyce my grandchild tenn pounds of lawfull English money to bee
payd him at his age of one and twentie yeares likewise I give him
four payre of sheets one brasse pot foure peeces of pewter one table
Item I give to Annis Voyce my grandchild twelve
pounds of lawfull Currant English money to be paid her at the age
of one and twentie yeares of daie of mariage which shall first happen.
I likewise give her Six paire of sheetes two Chests one iron kettle
half a dozen of pewter one tablecloth
Item I give to the said Annis one brasse panne
Item I give and bequeath to Margaret Voyce my grandchild twelve
pounds of lawfull English money to bee paid her at her age of one
and twentie yeares or daie of mariage which shall first happen I
give to her also half a dozen of pewter one dozen of napkins three
paire of sheetes one towell one paire of holland pillowcoates one
iron pott
Item I give and bequeath to the Lord of the Mannor
of Marlpost twentie shillings of lawfull money in lieu of an herriott
at my decease
Item I give to my three godsonnes Nicholas Shepheard
James Voyce and Bryan Voyce twelve pence appeece
All the residue of my goods and Chattells readie money not before
given I give and bequeath to Marie Voyce my daughter in law whom
I make my whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
And I desire and appoynt Edward Ley of Eastgrinsted and Mathew
White of Horsham to bee my Overseers hereto And I give to each of
them for their paynes herein to be taken three shillings foure pence
In witness whereof I the said Bryan Voyce have putt to my hand and
seale the daie and yeare above written
The marke and seale of Bryan Voyce read sealed and published in
the presence of the marke of John Berreck Mathewe White