The Will of Nicholas Moleyns of Fordingbridge, Hampshire and South Peterton, Somerset. Died 1429. Probate 11th March 1429


In the name of God Amen I Nicholas Moleyns of sound mind the day before the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary Anno Domini 1429 (i.e. 1st February) make my will in manner following.

First I give my soul to the said Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints my body to be buried in the cemetery of the Blessed Mary of Montacute in the County of Somerset.

Item I give to the vicar of Christ’s Church of Twynham ( i.e. Christchurch Priory) 2/- for my tithes owed and to the poor here 6d. Item I give to the vicar of Fordyngbrigge 2/- for my tithes owed and to the poor here 6d.

Item I give to the vicar of Southpederton (i.e. South Petherton) 2/- for my tithes owed and to the poor here 6d.Item I give to the vicar of Kyngesbury ( ?Kingsbury Episcopi) for my tithes owed 2/- and to the poor here 6d.

Item I give all my moveable goods and chattels at Jayellesmelle and Gaywellesbrygge (there’s a Yea Bridge at South Petherton) to Joan my wife.

Item I will my feoff of 10 marks of my lands and tenements in Sandhull to be made over to Matilda my daughter at her marriage.

Item I will that of the £40 which William ?Shorte of Seburgh (Seaborough) owes me for the marriage of Joan my daughter the said William delivers thereof to John ?Roucle and John Pavell 20 marks which I owe for divers lands and tenements in the County of Southampton with appurtenances lateley bought from the same and 20 marks to be for the marriage portion of the aforesaid Matilda and 20 marks to my executors.

Item I will that my feoff on my lands and tenements at Jayellsmell and Southpederton pays 40 marks to my executors of which 40 marks I will that my said executors deliver to William Edith Robert and Thomas my children 40/- apiece.

I will also that my executors appoint a priest to celebrate masses for 2 years for the soul of me the said Nicholas and for the souls of my family giving to the said priest from the same 40 marks 8 marks.

I will that my aforesaid feoff is legally settled on my aforesaid 4 children and lands and tenements in Northpederton (North Petherton) and Sokelonnde Crosse ( ?? ) and Lynge ( Lyng) for the whole term of their lives. And after the decease of every of them the same lands and tenements with appurtenances to remain with the heirs of me the said Nicholas in perpetuity.

I will that the aforesaid feoff of all my lands and tenements which were by me enfeoffed is legally settled on settled on Joan my aforesaid wife and also the aforesaid lands in Northpederton Crosse and Lynge.

I will that after my wishes have been carried out with my lands and tenements in Sandhull Jayelleswell and Southpederton it is implicit that the aforesaid feoff by me enfeoffed with the same lands and tenements and appurtenances is to be bestowed upon John Moleyns my son and heir in perpetuity. The residue of my goods not above bequeathed I give to William Moleyns William ?Lane vicar of Kyngesbury and Joan my wife for the good of my soul and for my benefit to better see things expedited.

And in order to see that this will is well and faithfully performed I make and constitute the above mentioned William and John my executors.

Probate was applied for at the Court of Master John Lyndfeld Commissioner the last day of April the year above written to William Moleyns executor ( completed 28th June next following.)