Notting Hill & Ealing High
School 1949 |
A small section of the Notting Hill & Ealing High School 1949
school photo.
I am the one in the center front row (only one wearing a cardigan)
right in front of the Headmistress. I do not think this was the
Miss Merryfield I remember but an earlier Head.
There are some teachers I remember - 1st and 2nd from left Miss
Woolnough and Miss McNaught -both my form
mistresses at Skipton House, which was the Junior Annexe - then
3rd to the right of the head -Miss Richards another
form mistress of mine an one time. I can remember some of my friends
- 3rd girl on left in the front row is Sarah Badel (daughter
of Alan Badel the Shakespearian and later film
actor) , then Penelope Gardner, Virgilia
Thomas, Coralie Chilvers,
then ?, ? , Me, Susan Wharton and Penelope
Bentley. The rest have disappeared into the mists of time.
Penelope Bentley was a year or so older than me,
the daughter of mother's childhood friend Joan (Gorrard)
Bentley. Penelope's father was something high up in P &
O Royal Mail Lines and they eventually moved to Jamaica. We had
been very good friends and corresponded regularly. Sadly, Penelope
had a hole in her heart, and returned to the UK to have the pioneering
heart operation. She did not survive and I remember father sobbing
at her funeral -she was 13. I had never seen him cry before.
Dee Ilyas (nee Tickner)
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